Сказка-мюзикл «Красная Шапочка» |
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Цели и задачи: способствовать развитию и воспитанию в ребенке благородного человека путем раскрытия его личностных качеств; развивать познавательные силы и творческий потенциал ребенка на примере сказки.
Действующие лица: - Хор (4-5 человек) – Chorus - Рассказчик – Story teller - Красная Шапочка – Little Red Riding Hood - Мама – Mother - Волк – Wolf - Бабушка – Granny - Охотник - Hunter
Chorus: This is a story of a girl and a wolf. Good girl. Good little girl. Bad Wolf, big bad Wolf. Good little, good little, good little girl. Big – bad – Wolf (хлопают в ладоши). This is a story of a good little girl. Good little, good little, good little girl. This is a story of a good little girl, Who listened to her mother… Most of the time. Good girl, good little girl. She listened to her mother… Most of the time. Story teller: This is a story of a girl and a Wolf and they called her Little Red Riding Hood. Chorus: Little Red, Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red, Little Red Riding Hood. How did she ever get a name like that? Story teller: Like what? Chorus: Like Little Red Riding Hood. How did she ever get a name like that? Story teller: She always wore a hood on her head, a little red riding hood. Her Granny made it for her, and she wore it all the time. Little Red Riding Hood was a good girl… most of the time. Good girl, good little girl. She listened to her mother …most of the time. Chorus: When Mama said – go, she went, When Mama said – stay, she stayed, When Mama said – sit, she sat, When Mama said – play, she played. (2) Story teller: When Mama said – wash, she washed. Oh, how obedient she was. Little Red Riding Hood was a good little girl… Most of the time. Chorus: Was she good? Story teller: Yes, she was. Chorus: Was she very good? Story teller: Yes, she was. Chorus: Did she listen to her mother? Story teller: Yes, she did. Chorus: All the time? Story teller: Most of the time. Little Red Riding Hood was a good little girl… most of the time. One morning Little Red Riding Hood was sleeping. She woke up when she heard her mother’s voice. Mother: Wake up, wake up. It’s time to get up. LRRH: M-m-m. Something smells like peanut butter. Something smells like chocolate. Chocolate, peanut butter, cookies, Chocolate, peanut butter, cookies. Mother: Please, sit down. Eat your breakfast. These cookies are for Granny. She is home alone and sick in bed. Please, visit her this morning. Chorus: Poor Granny. What a shame! Home alone and sick in bed. Poor Granny. What a shame! Home alone and sick in bed. LRRH: Poor Granny all alone. I’m crazy to go and see her. Mother: Now, Little Red Riding Hood, please, sit down and listen to me carefully. LRRH: Yes, Mama, I am listening. Mother: Go straight to Granny’s house. LRRH: Yes, Mama, I will. Mother: Don’t stop along the way. LRRH: No, Mama, I won’t. Mother: Don’t talk to strangers. LRRH: No, Mama, I won’t. Mother: Be very careful. LRRH: Oh, Mama, I will. (Мама и Красная Шапочка исполняют танец). Story teller: So Little Red Riding Hood kissed her mother good-bye. She took the basket of cookies and walked along a path in the wood to Granny’s house. (Красная Шапочка идет по лесу и исполняет песню).She was skipping along happily when suddenly a big Wolf came out of the wood. ( Волк исполняет песню) Chorus: Watch out for the Wolf, watch out, watch out (2). The Wolf is big. The Wolf is bad. Watch out for the Wolf. Watch out. Story teller: But Little Red Riding Hood forgot everything her Mother said about not talking to strangers. When the Wolf spoke to her, she spoke right back. Wolf: Good morning, my dear. How are you this morning? LRRH: I am fine, thank you. How are you? Wolf: Just fine, my dear. What’s your name? Chorus: Don’t tell, don’t tell. Mama told you not to tell (2), And not to talk to strangers. LRRH: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Wolf: I am very happy to meet you. I’ve heard so many nice things about you. LRRH: You have? Wolf: Oh, yes. Everyone says you are a good little girl. LRRH: They do? Thank you very much. You are very kind. (Волк и Красная Шапочка исполняют танец). Wolf: What’s that smell? Chorus: Don’t tell. Don’t tell. Wolf: What’s that smell? (2) Do I smell cookies? LRRH: Yes, you do. Chocolate, peanut butter cookies. Mama made them for Granny. She is home alone and sick in bed. I am on my way to see her. Chorus: Home alone and sick in bed. Mama told you not to tell. Wolf: What a nice little girl. Where does Granny live? Is it far from here? Chorus: Don’t tell, don’t tell. Mama told you not to tell. LRRH: Granny lives in a little pink house, the little pink house at the end of this path. Wolf: I know the house. I have an idea. Look over here. Look at the flowers. Why don’t you pick them for Granny? Pick some flowers for your Granny. LRRH: What a good idea! Chorus: Don’t stop, don’t stop! Mama told you not to stop (2), and not to talk to strangers. Story teller: Little Red Riding Hood thought the Wolf’s idea was just fine. She stopped and picked the flowers, while the Wolf ran as fast as he could to Granny’s house. He knocked three times on the little front door. Granny: Yes? Who’s there? Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood with a basket of cookies from Mama. Granny: Come in, my dear, come in. Come in and see your Granny Story teller: So the big bad Wolf opened the door, found old Granny sick in bed and gobbled her up in one big bite. Then he went to the closet and put on some of Granny’s clothes. The big bad Wolf climbed into bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood. He pulled the cover up around his chin, and sat and waited, and sat and waited. Wolf: Where is that girl? What’s the matter with her? Story teller: He didn’t have to wait very long. In a few moments he heard Little Red Riding Hood knock at the door. LRRH: You-who! Granny, it’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. Wolf: Come in, my dear, come in. Come in and see your Granny. LRRH: Where are you, Granny? Wolf: I am here, in bed. Come in, my dear. Come in and let me see you. Chorus: Oh, no, don’t go. That’s not Granny, don’t go. Story teller: Little Red Riding Hood walked into the bedroom, with her arms full of cookies and flowers. She stopped when she saw the Wolf in bed. Wolf: Come in, my dear. Chorus: Look at those ears! Wolf: Here, near your Granny. LRRH: Oh, Granny, what big ears you have! Wolf: The better to hear you with. Come in, my dear. Chorus: Look at those eyes! Wolf: Here, near your Granny. LRRH: Oh, Granny, what big eyes you have! Wolf: The better to see you with. Come here, my dear. Chorus: Look at those teeth! Wolf: Here, near your Granny. LRRH: Oh, Granny, what big teeth you have! Wolf: The better to eat you with. Story teller: And just as he spoke, the Wolf jumped up and gobbled Little Red Riding Hood up in one big bite. Chorus: Oh, no. Oh, no. We told you so. We told you so. Story teller: Now the Wolf was full, so he climbed back into Granny’s bed and fell fast asleep. Then he began to snore. He snored louder and louder. A friendly Hunter walking by the house heard the noise and stopped. (Охотник исполняет песню). Hunter: What’s that sound? It’s very loud. I’ll stop and see if Granny is OK. Story teller: The Hunter knocked, but no one answered. He opened the door and went in. He heard someone snoring in Granny’s bedroom So, he peeped into the bedroom and saw the big bad Wolf in Granny’s bed. Hunter: Look at that Wolf in Granny’s bed! I think he gobbled her up. Story teller: The Hunter cut a hole in the Wolf’s stomach. To his great surprise out popped Little Red Riding Hood. The Wolf didn’t even wake up. He just thought he was having a very bad dream. Hunter: Good Heavens! It’s the girl of my dream! But where is your Granny? Granny: Here I am! Story teller: And out climbed Granny, tired but happy. LRRH and Granny(together): Oh, my! What a day! LRRH: Quick, quick! Let’s put some stones inside the Wolf. They’ll make him heavy , and so he can’t get up. Hunter: Good idea. Story teller: And he filled the Wolf’s stomach with heavy stones. He was dreaming and dreaming about girls, grannies, and when he woke up he had such a terrible stomachache, that he fell right down and died. LRRH: Is he dead? Hunter: Oh, yes, yes, he is. He is dead. Granny: Are you sure? Hunter: Oh, yes, yes, I am. He is dead. The Wolf is dead. The big bad Wolf is dead. Hooray! All together: He is dead (2). The Wolf is dead. The big bad Wolf is dead. Hooray! Story teller: And this is the end of the story of the girl, who listened to her mother… most of the time. Chorus: Good girl, good little girl. She listened to her mother… Most of the time.
Приложение. 1.Песня Красной Шапочки (поет песню «The Sound of Music» из одноименного мюзикла) The Sound of Music. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, Brown paper packages tied up with string These are a few of my favourite things!
Cream-coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels, Doorbells and sleighbells and schnitzel with noodles, Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings Theas are a few of my favourite things!
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, Silver white winters that melt into spring These are a few of my favourite things!
When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things And then I don’t feel so bad!
2. Песня Волка (под мелодию “Мы бандито»). I am bad Wolf, forest gangster. I like eating hares, squirrels, Birds and hamsters. Oh, yes. I have never eaten berries, Plums and pears, apples, cherries. No, no. Oh, my dream is (2) To eat Little Riding Hood! How I want to taste this very charming girl…
3. Песня Охотника (под мелодию «Ох рано встает охрана») I am Hunter, I am Max. Forest is my home. Every corner know I Everywhere I roam. I like animals, my friends, Trees and grass and flowers. I take care of them all We may chat for hours.
Oh early, I get up early. If you do them any harm – Be aware, I’m near. Little Riding Hood I love, Waiting for her here.
Финальная песня (под мелодию «Фабрики звезд» - «Ты звезда») Get acquainted – we are here – On this stage, in front of you. Wanted we this old tale Change a bit and make it new. Maybe something wasn’t perfect, But we tried to do our best. Acting isn’t easy matter – It is something like a test.
Refrain: How nice – we are on the stage. We are stars. And we ask you to applaud all of us. Probably we’ve made some mistakes, Never mind. Main thing is we are jolly and kind.
Let me introduce the actors. Wolf is Oleg, Hunter’s – Max. Little Riding Hood is Lyuda, Kate is mother, she is nice. Sasha is a story teller, Kate is Granny, brave she is. Lera, Varya, Lena, Nata – Our dancers, dance with ease.
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