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Healthy Way of Life

(Открытый урок в 11 классе. По УМК “Spotlight”, Модуль 4)

Цель урока:

обобщение и систематизация изученного материала  на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме «Здоровый образ жизни» в форме дискуссии, ролевой игры с применением педагогических технологий:

- информационно-коммуникативной

- коммуникативного обучения

- проблемного обучения

- проектной технологии,

а также здоровье сберегающих технологий (ролевая игра, синквейн, логика построения урока).


Личностные: уметь выбирать оптимальные формы во взаимоотношениях с одноклассниками; способствовать положительному отношению к учению, к познавательной деятельности, толерантному отношению друг к другу, способности к сотрудничеству и умению общаться.

Коммуникативные: развивать умения слушать и вступать в диалог для поддержания учебной беседы, передавать содержание материала, уметь высказывать свою точку зрения, аргументировать и выражать личное отношение к поставленной     проблеме.

Познавательные: осознанно строить речевое общение, формулировать ответы на вопросы преподавателя и одноклассников.

Регулятивные: моделировать ситуации поведения в группе, участвовать в распределении заданий.


- методы формирования новых знаний и способности действовать;

- методы организации рабочего коллектива;

- метод создания креативного поля;

- методы контроля:

а) взаимный контроль

б) самоконтроль.


Оснащение урока: 1)  УМК “Spotlight” 11 класс

2) компьютер, проектор

3) запись песни “Don’t worry, be happy”

4) раздаточный материал


Ход урока:

I. Greeting. Warm-up.

  1. 1. Вступительное слово учителя. (Приложение 1)

Hello, dear friends, Glad to see you. I hope you are OK. You are full of energy and optimism because you are young, and when a person is young and healthy he is ready to cope with problems and difficulties. So, the subject of our lesson today is “We Choose Life”. Well, before we start discussing problems I’d like to ask you:

-           How are you today?

-          What is your news?

(Ответы учащихся).

II. Language work.

  1. 1. Match the proverbs.

(На экране учащиеся видят начало и окончание пословиц, которые необходимо соединить. Для удобства ребята получают это же задание в распечатанном виде).

1 Time is…

A - …is worth two in the evening.

2 Time cures …

B - …with the lamb and rise with the lark.

3 There is a …

C - …a great healer.

4 Go to bed …

D - …early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

5 An hour in the morning …

E - …all things.

6 Wealth is …

F - …salve for every sore.

7 Early to bed …

G - …nothing without health.

(Ответы: 1- С, 2 – E, 3 – F, 4 – B, 5 – A, 6 – G, 7 – D)

-          Can you explain the meaning of these proverbs?

Can you define the topic of our lesson today? (Учащиеся отвечают)

You are right – today we are going to speak about Healthy Way of Life.


  1. 2. Explain the idioms.

What do these idioms mean?

-          To feel under the weather (not to feel well, to be ill);

-          To feel run down (to be exhausted);

-          To look off colour (to look pale);

-          To drop like flies ( to get ill in very large numbers).


  1. 3. Give one word to explain the following:

-          firm or difficult to move or to bend (stiff)

-          a very bad pain in one’s head (a splitting headache)

-          the medicines that can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and cure infection (antibiotics)

-          to take control of something by force, to defeat somebody (conquer)

-          in spite of difficulties (against all odds)

-          the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do (willpower)

-          pressure or worry caused by the problems in somebody’s life (stress).


III. Questionnaire.

( Учащимся предлагается посмотреть на экран и ответить на вопросы небольшой анкеты):

Do you look after yourself?

  1. How many hours per night do you sleep?

a)     Under 6 hours       b) about 7 or 8 hours              c) more than 9 hours

  1. How often do you clean your teeth?

a)     Once a day           b) twice a day                                    c) after every meal

  1. How often do you do physical exercise?

a)     Never                    b) once a week                       c) two or three times a week

  1. How often do you eat sweets or chocolate?

a)     Never                    b) occasionally                       c) quite a lot

  1. How many pieces of fresh fruit do you eat per day?

a)     One or two           b) more than two                    c) none

( После ответов на вопросы анкеты учащиеся делают выводы о своем образе жизни).

IV. Listening and Speaking.

Listen to the song “Don’t worry, be happy” and feel in the missing words. Then say what worries the singer.

(Учащиеся слушают песню и вставляют пропущенные слова. Перед началом прослушивания необходимо объяснить слово litigate (to take a claim or disagreement to court, судиться, оспаривать в суде) выражение ain’t (an old-fashioned and humorous way to say the negative).

Don’t Worry, Be Happy.

Here’s a little song I ……1……

You might want to sing it note for …….2……..

Don’t worry, be happy.


In every life we have some ………3………..

When you worry you make it ……..4………

Don’t worry, be happy.


Ain’t got no ……….5….…… to lay your ……..6……..

Somebody came and took your ……..7………

Don’t worry, be happy.


The landlord says your rent is ………8…..…..

You may have to ………..9………..

Don’t worry, be happy.


Ain’t got no ……….10…………, ain’t got no ……..11……..

Ain’t got no …….12…….. to make you ……..13………

Don’t worry, be happy.


‘Cos when you worry, your face will ……..14…….

That will bring everybody ……..15……..

Don’t worry, be happy.

(Ответы: 1-wrote; 2-note; 3-trouble; 4-double; 5-place; 6-head; 7-bed; 8-late; 9-litigate; 10-cash; 11-style; 12-girl; 13-smile; 14-frown; 15-down).

- What worries the singer? What problems worry you?

( Ответы учащихся).

When you worry a lot you may get stressed. Is stress good or bad? Does stress make our life dangerous?

(Примерный ответ) :

As you go through life, you will experience many exciting and some uncomfortable or unpleasant times. This is natural. Life would be boring if you did not have ups and downs. The way your body reacts to many different experiences you have in life is known as stress. Your heart starts beating faster than usual, your breathing becomes shallower, your palms sweat.  Stress can come from many different kinds of experiences. The thought of having a serious exam, for example, can cause stress. As with many things, a little stress is good, but too much stress can be harmful. Too much stress can cause problems like indigestion, backache, high blood pressure etc. Modern living can cause a great deal of stress at times. In family life, a separation or divorce, death of close relatives is stressful to all family members. Moving to a new school or town can cause stress too.

However, you should remember that life is a wonderful challenge and an adventure. You should wake up every morning refreshed and looking forward to the day ahead. If anything in your life keeps you from having this good feeling, give yourself time to relax, or talk to people you trust and get them to help you solve the problem.)


V. Presentation.

What makes our life dangerous? (Ответы учащихся – e.g.: extreme sports, illnesses, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)

(Презентация учащихся о вредных привычках и об их влиянии на здоровье людей)

V. Role-playing dialogue.

(Учащиеся разыгрывают сценку-диалог «У врача», где доктор объясняет пациенту-подростку какой вред приносят организму вредные привычки).

Примерный диалог:

(Раздается стук в дверь, входит пациент, согнувшись, стонет)

Doctor: Come in, please. Oh, take your seat. You look a bit off colour. What’s the matter with   you?

Patient: Oh, doctor, I really feel bad. I can’t fall asleep in the evening and wake up in the morning. I get tired very easily. My hair isn’t shiny any longer, the teeth are yellowish, the skin isn’t smooth, and my voice is hoarse.

Doctor: How old are you?

Patient: 16.

Doctor:  Are you? I wouldn’t say that. You look not less than 25, I am sorry.

Patient: Do I?

Doctor: You really do. Now, answer some of my questions. You are a pupil, aren’t you? So, you’ve got a lot of homework to do. When do you go to bed?

Patient: At about 2 am.

Doctor: It’s too late, I’m afraid. Do you really have so much homework? I should phone your headmaster. That won’t do to make pupils work so hard.

Patient: Well, doctor, actually, it takes me about 3 hours to do my homework, so at about 8 or 9 pm I am through with it. Then I play computer games, chat on-line with my friends. It’s so relaxing, you know.

Doctor: Hmmm. You should stop doing that and go to bed at 11, not later. By the way, do you do morning exercises?

Patient: Well, frankly speaking, not. I just have no time. I wake up, drink a cup of coffee, have a smoke and run to school.

Doctor: You know, my dear, if you go on like this, you’ll look 60 by the age of 30, and you’ll live no longer than 35.

Patient: Doctor, can you help me?

Doctor: Medicine won’t help you. But I can give you some advice. If you follow it, you will feel better soon.

Patient: What is it, doctor?

Doctor: Well, first, stop smoking immediately. Second, go for a walk every day, no matter what the weather is, and do morning exercises regularly, it’s a good idea if you go jogging in the morning in summer, and go skiing in winter. Then stop chatting on-line and go to bed early. You know – early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. And, finally, don’t eat fast food, eat substantial breakfast, try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to make sure you get enough vitamins. If you follow my advice, your hair will look shiny, your voice will stop being hoarse, your cheeks will be rosy again and you’ll be blooming with health.

Patient: Thank you, doctor. I think you are absolutely right. Good-bye.
Doctor: Good-bye, and don’t be ill.


VI. Discussion. Traditional or alternative medicine.

(Работа в группах)

Teacher: Do you often go to doctors? Do you always use traditional methods of treatment? Do you believe in alternative medicine?  What things can improve your condition when you are ill?

(Ответы учащихся)

(учащиеся делятся на группы: 1 – те, кто считают, что только традиционные методы лечения помогут справиться с болезнью; 2 – те, кто верят в альтернативные методы лечения и в народную медицину. Каждая группа после непродолжительного обсуждения приводит аргументы в пользу своего мнения.)

Учащимся можно предложить воспользоваться дополнительным материалом, который они могут использовать в своих ответах, и приводить примеры из собственного опыта, из жизни.

Traditional medicine.

1)    Traditional medicine includes modern health science, medical technology, surgery and associated practices.

2)    Traditional approach focuses on the cause of ailment. It concentrates on factors cuasing the disease, its prevention and remedies.

3)    Traditional medicine is the most common practice because the majority of the population follow with the traditions that have been practiced throughout the years.

4)    In case of emergency such as severe accident or where an urgent surgical procedure is required, conventional systems prove to be far superior. Alternative systems require time and may not be suitable in situations demanding immediate results. Therefore, in critical circumstances, traditional treatment is preferred option.

Alternative medicine.

1)    Alternative medicine is the collection of all the knowledge, skills and practices based on age-old theories or experiences. It is aimed at preventing, diagnosing, improving and treatment any form of illness.

2)    Alternative medicine has evolved in different regions of the world over a long period of time. It includes yoga, acupuncture, and some of the practices invented by common people.

3)    Alternative medicine stimulates the human body’s natural healing process, as the human body was designed with a healing mechanism.


VII. Conclusion.

  1. 1. Составление синквейнов. Учащимся можно предложить составить синквейн к словам Health, Happiness, Stress и т.д., к любому слову, связанному с темой урока. Например,


Good, strong.

Care, support, preserve.

I enjoy being healthy.


  1. 2. Домашнее задание, выставление оценок.

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